Organic Cajeput oil
The organic cajeput oil with its scent reminiscent of eucalyptus has long been considered a home remedy in Asia. Dutch sailors brought cajeput oil to Europe in the 17th century.
In the pharmaceutical industry it is added to rubs, baths, and inhalations. Both anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties are attributed. Hence, organic cajeput oil is also said to have an analgesic effect, which is supposed to help in case of headaches, earache or toothache. In addition to this analgesic effect, organic cajeput oil organic is supposed to warm up slightly when used externally, so that it is an excellent addition to massage oils for tense muscles or muscles stressed by sport.
Even if rarely, the food industry can use organic cajeput oil in its products, for example for flavoring liqueurs, sweets, or other delicious little things.
In aromatherapy, organic cajeput oil is used to treat general weakness of drive. Overcoming lethargy and poor concentration should be made easier.
The organic cajeput oil goes well with: stone pine oil, eucalyptus oil, ginger oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, juniper oil, or lemon oil.