Organic Ginger extract
This organic ginger extract is a real innovation. In contrast to the essential ginger oil, which is obtained through steam distillation, the organic ginger extract is created through the mechanical cold pressing of the dried, Nepalese ginger – without any chemicals or alcohol. Due to the contained hot substances such as gingerols, the organic ginger extract is suitable for naturopathy, cosmetics, and the food industry.
Ginger has been used culinary and, above all, medicinally in Asia for centuries. Ginger was one of the first spices to come across the spice route and was recommended by Greek doctors to stimulate digestion. This is still one of the organic ginger extract’s main areas of application today. It is said to combat nausea, gas, and stomach ache and also to stimulate the flow of bile. In addition, ginger is often taken in the cold season to support the body’s defenses.
In cosmetics, the organic ginger extract is used to compose herbaceous and natural top notes, e.g., for perfuming soaps and toiletries. It is also a very good fixative for oriental, spice, rose, and carnation fragrances. The great color is a visual highlight, but when applied to the skin and lips, the organic ginger extract leaves a tingling feeling. The lips in particular feel fuller and plumper.
The fiery taste of the organic ginger extract comes into its own in the food industry. It spices up soups, sauces, rice, and meat dishes such as curries, confectionery, lemonades, and liqueurs with an exotic note. The interplay of sweet and spicy in particular promises unique design options for your recipes.
In aromatherapy, the invigorating scent of the organic ginger extract is valued for overcoming lethargy and listlessness.
The organic ginger extract is very suitable for mixtures with clove, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, frankincense, cinnamon, and citrus oils such as bergamot, petitgrain, or lemon.