Organic Ginkgo Extract
The pharmaceutical effect of the organic Ginkgo extract has already been examined in many studies, for example on memory performance, arteriosclerosis, or age-related circulatory disorders. Its valuable ingredients are also relevant for the cosmetics industry. The organic ginkgo extract is obtained from the leaves of the organic ginkgo biloba with the help of ultrasonic extraction.
The herbal active ingredients in organic Ginkgo Extract can protect the skin from oxidative stress and improve microcirculation and thus the tissue supply. Due to its valuable ingredients such as plant acids and flavonoids it serves as a ‘radical scavenger’, which is supposed to better supply the skin cells with oxygen. The organic Ginkgo extract can stimulate the blood circulation in the skin and increase moisture and elasticity. The skin can appear radiating and fresh again. Due to the supposed antioxidant effect the organic Ginkgo extract is said to help the natural immune defense, let inflammation heal faster and counteract the formation of wrinkles. In cleaning products, the organic Ginkgo extract can clarify and refresh. In addition, the skin is optimally prepared for the absorption of further care products in creams and lotions.
From a botanical point of view, the Ginkgo Biloba tree, whose iconic leaves form the basis of the organic Ginkgo extract, is a real rarity. It has been said to have inhabited the earth for millions of years and is therefore often referred to as the “living fossil”. It defies all adverse environmental influences and can live up to 1000 years. The ginkgo extract has always been used in Asia as a remedy and elixir for youth. It is sacred there as a temple tree and admired for its resilience.