Organic Mango Butter
Organic Mango Butter and Its Use in the Food Industry
The organic mango butter, sometimes also called mango seed oil or mango seed butter, is a relatively unknown alternative to cocoa butter and coconut oil. Use the organic mango butter in the food industry and discover its versatile application possibilities in desserts or in margarine production. Thanks to the refining process, our organic mango butter is heat-resistant and can be used for frying and deep-frying. Due to its inconspicuous taste, the refined mango seed butter is an excellent vegan and lactose-free alternative to animal butter. It is therefore often used in margarine production and in baked goods, cakes, tarts, and desserts.
Already around 1200 BC the mango was mentioned in Hindu scriptures as a symbol of wealth and divine sweetness. The mango fruits came to Europe at the beginning of the 16th century by Portuguese sailors who brought them home from India. Today it is cultivated in many (sub)tropical countries in addition to the main exporter India, e.g., in the USA, Mexico, the Caribbean, Kenya, the Philippines, the Canary Islands or Australia.
The mango tree can reach a very old age and bear fruit for up to 300 years. With its wide crown (up to 30 meters in diameter), the up to 35 meters high mango tree is quite an imposing tree that is deeply rooted in the earth.
The mango butter is cold-pressed from the dried, kidney-shaped seeds that lie inside the yellowish mango kernel. Subsequently, unwanted accompanying substances are removed by refining.