Organic Coconut Oil
Organic Coconut Oil and Its Use in the Food Industry
Our organic SanaBio coconut oil or organic coconut fat impresses with its particularly high quality and thus with a noble, coconut-typical taste. Our organic coconut oil goes perfectly with exotic dishes, soups, curries, but also with muesli and desserts. In cold dishes it is creamy and firm and melts gently in the mouth. You will feel a cooling effect that is refreshing. Enhance a portion of the exotic into your products from the food industry and use our organic coconut oil! The organic coconut oil is particularly heat-stable due to its composition and is therefore ideal for frying and deep-frying, also for vegetarian and vegan dishes. If you are more interested in the valuable ingredients and fatty acid spectrum than in the characteristic smell of organic coconut oil, we recommend our refined variant.
The original home of the coconut palm is believed to be the Malay Archipelago. In the meantime, however, it is widespread in all tropical regions, which is partly due to their favorable climate with salty sea air, but above all the swimming ability of the coconut.
The appearance of the coconut palm corresponds to the romantic idea of a Caribbean vacation: a 30-35 m high, columnar, unbranched trunk that usually grows slightly curved from the ground – with its stone fruits, the coconuts, at the beginning of the leaves. 60 to 160 nuts, which are the basis for coconut oil, can ripen on a fully supporting palm.
The organic coconut oil is obtained by crushing and then cold pressing the so-called copra. The copra describes the fatty, dried nutrient tissue or core meat of the coconut.